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Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Sharing Your Burdens

I have previously written about being good, wise, sensitive and strong. However, today, I wish to briefly discuss being weak. Sometimes life seems to be going great, but there are those of us who, at this very moment, may be going through some tremendous challenges. We might have health issues, financial problems, struggles with our marriages or children. It's not uncommon to keep the details of our personal struggles to ourselves. After all, we've been taught to be strong, to overcome, to succeed. However, the larger and often inevitable problems in life can easily become overwhelming. Nonetheless, we are often loath to drag other people into our burdens. We're embarrassed, we're proud, we don't wish to impose on those we care about ... and certainly not on strangers. But there are people around us who would gladly help if only they knew, if only we would ask them. Family and friends, fellow parishioners and plain old good Samaritans. They're out there, they may be all around us. And, truth be told, we might feel a whole lot better if we were just willing to share that burden with another person. Chances are, that those close to us would like to help anyhow, and often they feel better just having something to do that makes them feel like they've been able to contribute. Sometimes even those around us feel helpless because they see us suffering and aren't sure how to help. We do them a disservice when we shut them out and choose the path of the martyr. It's part of God's plan that help usually comes from other people. Even if you've been praying some kind of miracle, you might be surprised to discover that it may come through the folks around you. We all have burdens to bear, some larger and more dreadful than others, but burdens nonetheless. When you feel as if you're at the end of your rope, when the storm clouds begin to gather, please remember that you are never alone. If you share your burden with others, it may become much more bearable ... and that can make all the difference.

Sharing the Burden
When the weight of the world is bearing down
And it seems that you're all alone
When the news, and decisions, near at hand
Are turning your heart to stone
When the burden upon your shoulders threatens
To bend you until you break
And you find yourself wondering how much more
Of these trials you're able to take
Remember that there are folks who care
Who are striving to understand
People who want the best for you
Who are ready to lend a hand
Share your burden with those who care
Who are praying and rooting for you
If you let them assist with the burden you bear
You will find they can help you through
However dark the tunnel may seem
However long the road
It will grow shorter with friends along
But you must let them help carry the load
By Frank Carpenter ©