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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Beyond the Whale

Our church has been studying the book of Jonah lately and that story touches on so many issues. Jonah is clearly a reluctant prophet, and one of the themes is what God can and will do in spite of our response to him. It’s about God’s love and compassion for people and cities, even when they have turned against him and are deserving of judgement. It’s also about how God’s will may be done and how he finds a way to accomplish it. There’s a personal story about Jonah’s hardened heart and disobedience and how God still chooses to use him. One of the themes I appreciate today is how God continues to surprise us even when we think our story is over.

Jonah runs from God, ends up in a terrible storm, is thrown overboard and is swallowed by a large fish. Let me pause say that it doesn’t matter whether it was a fish or a whale or a shark (which is technically neither). The story is miraculous regardless of what noun you swap into it. The point is that Jonah is utterly lost and should have died, which is what he wanted and expected. No air, no light, no hope … no Jonah. But God had other plans for him, so God intervened in a miraculous way.

And I think that’s the message for our lives. So many of us feel lost, and like we’re sinking into an unquenchable darkness. We may be depressed, or alone, or broken … or feel utterly lost like Jonah. But here’s the thing. God meets each of us right where we are and He almost always has another story in mind for us. God loves us and has compassion for us and He’s right there beside us even when we think we may have sunk beyond all hope of rescue. The fact is that God does some of His best work in those situations.

And what I want to tell you today is that your story isn’t over, it isn’t defined by what is overwhelming you right now. God has something better in store for you. Say that first awkward prayer, then reach out your hand and let him pull you out of the depths. The darkness you’re drifting through at this moment isn’t your final destination, and it may in fact be the very thing which prepares and qualifies to you to serve others in a way you may have never even imagined.

So look up, take heart and keep swimming. Because there’s a light at the end of the tunnel … and that light is God. And He still has something amazing for you beyond the whale.

Beyond the Whale
So often we are in darkness
Lost in the depths of the sea
Thinking our story is over
And that was our destiny
And in that moment it’s tempting
To sink into despair and regret
But as long as there’s breath within us
God isn’t done with us yet
He meets each of us where we are
No matter how deep we have gone
He draws us from the murky depths
And offers us grace to carry on
Our God is a light in the darkness
No matter how black it may be
And He can redeem any story
If we turn to Him wholeheartedly
He’s reaching into the depths right now
Extending His hand to you
Ready to pull you out of the water
If you will only ask Him to
Like Jonah, you may be sinking
But that need not be your tale
God has something amazing in store
For you ... beyond the whale
        By Frank Carpenter ©