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Monday, May 03, 2004

Honeysuckle Morning

As I was out walking Saturday morning along the estuary near our home, I began a perfect day with a pleasant assault upon my senses. Sometimes we feel that we have to go on vacation or flee to some distance place to discover a little peace and beauty. However, I was reminded this weekend that one may rediscover the wonders of creation right in his or her own back yard. Things as simple as the sweet aroma spring flowers or a dew soaked spider web can be enough to inspire one who approaches them with an open heart. There is unexplainable beauty to be found in every obscure little corner around us. If you want to see the face of God, if you want to hear His voice, begin by merely stepping out of doors and looking around. The mountains, the oceans and stars fill us with wonder, but the smaller wonders of creation are ever to be found near at hand. Take a morning or evening walk and allow the tiny waves of beauty wash over your soul. There is a solace to found in everything around us. We have only to open our eyee, to incline our ears, to offer our hearts. Give it a try. You won't have to look far.

Honeysuckle Morning
As I hike along the bluff top
The veil of morning mist
Finally lifts, at last revealing
A silver world the dew has kissed
From below, the estuary
Raises up a steady song
As the migratory birds awake
In all their boisterous throng
And all along the bluff top
Where I am wandering this day
The blooming honeysuckle greets me
In it's own special way
Flooding all my world with
It's fragrance, rich and sweet
It dissipates my troubles
To make a scene surreal complete
Of all the things that I could choose
To begin a brand new day
To awake my senses to creation
I would surely have to say
Nothing stirs me quite so deeply
In this life I'm trudging through
As a honeysuckle morning
With a quilt of silver dew
By Frank Carpenter