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Friday, March 12, 2004

As a Man Thinketh

We all understand that actions speak louder than words and it is true that our actions will certainly confirm or betray much of the heart behind our words. However, there are times when our actions can amount to only so much window dressing for less noble hearts and minds. He who would live an honorable life, must also closely examine the motives and integrity of his own heart. Do we have a selfish agenda, a secret fear or fantasy, a need to be accepted? Sometimes our outward actions can be aimed at advancing or masking such things and we might not even realize it. In the end, the person we really are is determined by our thought lives. Do I smile politely while I secretly hate a person. Do I compliment when I am filled with envy? Is there lust behind small acts of chivalry? Is our opinion entirely different when whispered under our breath or behind closed doors? Our thoughts, being the meditations or our hearts, will eventually shape our character and, therefore, our actions in the long run. Our thoughts are the building blocks, the very foundations, of our future selves. It is a fine thing to live a good life. Ah, but how much the better by far to think a good thought life. Now that's food for thought.

As a Man Thinketh
As a man thinketh, so is he
For though his actions betray him not
The deeds of his heart condemn him still
If he cannot master his thought
If a man keeps the law to the letter, well done
He is ready to face the next part
For at this point the battle is only half won
He must now keep the law in his heart
What use are his actions, though noble enough
If his intentions are otherwise
Deeds of kindness are nothing but cruel lies
If hatred still burns in his eyes
Is faithfulness served by the body alone
When it harbors a mind full of sin
Or is it reckoned only to those who can slay
The adulterous demons within
He who would call himself righteous must look
Beyond the actions the world can see
To the hopes and the dreams and desires which form
The man he would choose to be
One cannot be humble who longs to be proud
Or pure if he wishes to stray
A man is what he is in his heart of hearts
When the trappings are all stripped away
A man is as he thinketh, no more and no less
And his actions have counted for naught
Unless they are affirmed by the deeds of his heart
Where all of his fiercest battles are fought

By Frank Carpenter