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Thursday, April 15, 2004


There is a seed great wisdom in all the tired old adages about the company we keep. The choosing of the wrong companions can certainly be a downfall, even for one of noble character. For, more often than not, we will become like those whom we consort with. We must, therefore, consider carefully who we invest our time with, as our associates often become the stepping stones to our future. That being said, and applying the principle inversely, the keeping of good company can be of great benefit to us as well. If we surround ourselves with friends and acquaintances of upstanding character and intentions they are liable to have a positive impact on our lives. Friends can also be pillars of strength and encouragement during the darker hours of life, making them all the more bearable and helping to keep us from stumbling. Since I am a sailor and fond of the sea, I have written much within the genre of sailing metaphors. To that end, I offer the following poem for today which explores the concept of keeping good company and how it can affect our journey through life. In this case that journey is portrayed as one upon the sea. Whatever the metaphors for your own life may be, those who share them can make all the difference so always strive to surround yourself with true and noble friends ... and endeavor to be one as well.

In the midst of the oceans of life
Where the tireless swells never sleep
The thing that can make all the difference
Is the company that we keep
Whether at sea on leave ashore
Through the doldrums or fiercest gales
Having a shipmate you trust aboard
Is as essential as keel or sails
When there is work to be done he shares it
Offering council when questions arise
When there is danger his strength is a comfort
On watch, you're obliged for his eyes
When the barometer drops and dark clouds
Crowd the horizon off of your bow
Having a shipmate near at hand
Seems to dispel their furry somehow
When things are quiet, the stars are out
And the rigging sings soft on the breeze
A shipmate can be a welcome friend
As you recline in the cockpit at ease
The journey of life is a long one
The tempestuous oceans are wide
And fortunate he who faces the sea
With a good shipmate by his side
By Frank Carpenter ©