I’m going to try something a little different
today. It’s not uncommon, especially in the more difficult seasons, for me to
write a group of poems that document the journey through a season. I often use
poetry to work things out in my heart and mind, to deal with issues. This
sometimes leaves me with a suite of poems which belong together, because they
journal a spectrum of emotions through the passing of time. So I take the
liberty of sharing the following suite of ten poems which were written over
roughly that many days. They detail my emotional journey last year from the
confirmation that out new grandson would be born with Down Syndrome through my
reconciliation of that fact with God. When we get many kinds of news it can
seem like the worst news in the world until you become accustomed to it. Those
seasons are like experiencing the different stages of grief. And because I’m a
person of faith, part of that process involves working out the details with
Jesus and trusting Him with them completely.
I’d like to brag that I always see things with an eternal perspective. Yet life is rarely that simple. Sometimes all we have to begin with is a cry for help, or what soldiers refer to as a foxhole prayer. Then, at least in my case, I often have to ease into a total trust that God is actually in control and He’s somehow going to work things out … and maybe even turn them into something beautiful. In this particular instance I’m choosing to call my process “the journey to hope.” Either way, I’m laying my emotions bare here so you can see how Jesus works in my life and heart at least. The difference with me is that sometimes we end up with a written record of the process like this batch of poetry.
The most important thing is that there is hope, that Jesus does love us and care for us, that we are never truly alone. Whether you’re facing good news or bad news, or walking through those things with others, there is hope beyond the emotions and situations that threaten to overwhelm us. That hope is there, like a life ring, waiting for us to take hold of it. Some of us may do that slowly. So to all of you I offer my personal journey to hope.
Help Me, Jesus
Help me Jesus, help me Jesus
I’m not sure how to feel
We have to wait upon the tests
Before we know what’s real
It’s like I’ve walked into quicksand
And I’m slowly sinking down
Sliding, imperceptibly
Until I feel as if I’ll drown
I was confident and in control
And fine, then suddenly
I stepped from solid ground into
This mire of uncertainty
There is a shadow closing in
Which I’m unaccustomed to
Help me Jesus, help me Jesus
My only hope is you
By Frank Carpenter ©
Yesterday my life was perfect
Everything was going fine
Work, faith, friends and family
Counting my blessings all the time
Suddenly, joy has eroded
And toppled from my pedestal
I’m spiraling into darkness
The weight of fear upon my soul
Help me, Lord, have mercy
Your servant, whom you have blessed
Is now awash in waves of grief
Lost in an ocean of distress
Maybe this will be alright
Maybe the medical tests
Will show we needn’t worry
And things will work out for the best
But for now I’m lost in limbo
Mired in despair and pain
Hoping for miraculous test results
Praying that joy may come again
Help me, Lord, have mercy
Shine your light through darkness here
Draw me into your arms of comfort
And help me to know you are here
By Frank Carpenter ©
Your Will
I don’t pretend to know your will
Nor the fullness of your mind
I know that I should trust you
Yet in this season now I find
I’m struggling with where we are
Along this path of sovereignty
Because the weight of this week
Feels as if it’s crushing me
Lord, I want to trust You
Trust the wisdom of your plan
But it’s too much, Lord, it’s too much
And I’m not sure how I can
My heart is filled to bursting
With the weight of what we face
In the coming weeks and months
In this new and grief-filled place
Lord, forgive my faithlessness
In this season of despair
Have mercy on your servant
And hear this unworthy prayer
Reach down into the darkness
Where we find ourselves today
Pierce this veil of helplessness
And help us find our way
I beg you, Jesus, intervene
Amidst our brokenness and pain
Give me faith and wisdom
I can’t understand your purposes
For all we’re going through
Have mercy on us in this hour
And help us to trust in You
By Frank
Carpenter ©
I Need Someone to Tell Me
I need someone to tell me
That everything will be alright
So I can look my family in the eye
And say that to them tonight
I need to know there is a light
Still shining somewhere up ahead
That hope and joy exist somewhere
Beyond this pain and dread
I need a vision of the future
I can still look forward to
Some way to quench the helplessness
Where there is nothing I can do
Another wave of pain has broken
And washed over me tonight
And I need someone to tell me
That everything will be alright
By Frank Carpenter ©
God, today more than ever
I need to believe the bible is true
I need to believe in everything
I’ve come to know about you
I’m clinging to You desperately
Nowhere else to turn today
Need your strength and steadfastness
To hold me on the narrow way
I need to know you will be there
Whenever, wherever I go
I need to trust in You and your word
Because he bible tells me so
Lord, at this moment I’m shaken
To the very depths of my soul
So I cling to your power and mercy
Because only you are unshakeable
By Frank
Carpenter ©
Step Along the Way
There is nothing you could do
No choice that you could make
Which could diminish my approval
Or I would label a mistake
I am always for you
I am always on your side
I have only love for you
Nor could you wound my pride
I am praying for you
Through ever hour of the day
Asking God for peace and wisdom
And His light upon your way
I believe in both of you
And I trust you implicitly
I will encourage and support you
Wherever you may be
Wherever you may find yourselves
Along this journey you are in
Though you feel lost in darkness
Though your faith is wearing thin
If your heart if broken
Then my heart is broken too
Your joy and pain are mine as well
And I will be there for you
I am walking with you
Every step along the way
Yours are my love and my blessing
Both now, and every day
By Frank
Carpenter ©
He Will
Find a Way
In this moment of your life
It’s difficult to understand
How God allows such things to happen
Or where is His mighty hand
We know we have a loving God
Who deeply cares for us
A God all-knowing and all-powerful
In whom we should place our trust
But where oh where, in all of this
Could our loving Savior be?
When we’re crying out in our distress
It can be difficult to see
His hand in what befalls us
In this broken world we share
We have only faith to cling to
And the promise that He cares
But God knows things that we don’t
He sees what we can’t see
His plan is bigger than our pain
And He still holds eternity
Whatever we are going through
Though it shakes us to the core
God can use it for His glory
In ways we’d never guess before
God can use the deepest pain
He can redeem the darkest hours
Spin the chaff of sorrow into gold
Through His creative power
We may feel as if the sun
May never shine again today
But God is with us, God is working
And He will find a way
By Frank
Carpenter ©
However the medical tests turn out
At the end of the wretched day
Whatever the future has in store
I shall not turn away
However You deal with my prayers
Whatever may yet befall
Though it shakes me to the core
I shall call you Lord of all
Whatever sorrow or sacrifice
Though the darkness is complete
I shall worship with my dying breath
Praise You with my last heartbeat
Crush me, I shall serve You still
Blear the narrow way with tears
I shall choose it nonetheless
To tread for all my years
Lord, I’m begging for a miracle
That may turn darkness into light
But if your will is otherwise
Give me strength to fight the fight
By Frank
Carpenter ©
This Day
Not sure if we’ll find out anything new
We heard what the doctors had to say
But we’re waiting for that final test
To come back to us today
The path ahead is shrouded
In a fog of uncertainty
But give us ears to listen, Lord
Give us eyes to see
Whatever you are saying
In this season of distress
And show us how you’ll use it
To encourage and to bless
We still beg for grace, Lord
In all we’re going through
So we lay this day before your feet
And trust our hearts to you
By Frank
Carpenter ©
I was walking in a darkness
For a week, or maybe two
As we processed all the news
And heard all you were going through
We were overwhelmed with sorrow
And disappointed to the core
Shattered pieces of our broken dreams
Strewn underfoot upon the floor
But Jesus wrapped His arms around us
As we came to Him in prayer
Enfolded us with tender mercies
In His arms of love and care
And as our tears began to dry
Through the course of weary days
Jesus cultivated joy
And shone light upon a way
Which we never would have chosen
Or imagined as our own
A path of blessings to be gathered
Where the seeds of pain were sown
We must never underestimate
What God may choose to do
In the midst of all the trials
We find ourselves going through
Even when the tide of hopelessness
Seems to well up all around
Jesus whispers quiet words of hope
Which could not otherwise be found
He showed us how our brokenness
Becomes the fertile soil that He
May use to lift us up
And guide us to eternity
For those who wait upon the Lord
Who lay their burdens on His Son
Know peace that passes understanding
And find hope where there seemed none
By Frank
Carpenter ©
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