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Thursday, May 11, 2006

Mothers Day

Let us not forget that Mothers Day is this Sunday, May 14th. This is a weekend to honor all of our mothers and their contributions to our lives and families. I have been blessed with a wonderful mother, and all the more blessed by being married to an outstanding mother as well. Come to think of it, I even lucked out in the mother-in-law category. I guess I could be said to have won the triple crown of maternal good fortune. In honor of these women who have been so instrumental in my own life and happiness, I offer the follow poem. Feel free to copy my words down if you’d like to use them to express your own feelings to one of the mothers in your life. All that I ask is that you leave my name at the bottom. That being said, some of you have perhaps not had a positive mothering experience- that certainly happens. If you fall into this category, I would still encourage you to offer something positive to your mother or step mother because they went to a great deal of trouble on your behalf and probably love you more than you know. If you can’t even bring yourself to do that, then transfer your best wishes and appreciation to another mother in your life, such as friend or an aunt, and honor their example or treatment of their own children. And what if your mother has passed away? Then I suggest that you honor her memory by sharing her story or love with your own children, nieces, nephews or someone else in your life. We can all do something for this holiday. If you’re one of those cynics who think that all holidays were invented to sell greeting cards and flowers, then don’t prove your point by being a cheapskate and short changing someone you love who’d rather have a card than join your personal protest. Make your own card, cook a big breakfast or do something else creative. The fact is that we should be appreciating mothers every day so don’t waste your opportunity to do so this weekend. In closing, I offer my biggest thanks and mushiest “I love you” to my own wife and the other mothers in my life. May your weekend be a blessed one.

Thank You
I thank you for a thousand little things
Which really aren't so small
And for the countless, thankless jobs
Which upon your shoulders fall
I thank you for the time you take
And for your energy
For the way you balance everything
And how you love the kids and me
I thank you for your gentle touch
And for your helping hand
For always being there for us
And how you seem to understand
There are times to work and cook and clean
And times to simply stop and play
Our kids know they have the funnest mom
Which you prove again each day
Somehow you find a way to do it all
Perhaps far more than you ought to
But we really do appreciate
All those extra things you do
All the things that show how very much
You love the kids and me
And I thank God most every day
For you, and our family
By Frank Carpenter ©