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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

A Child's Eyes

Just now I’m sitting on an airplane, somewhere over Arizona or Utah. I was about to pen some wordy commentary about politics. Before I could begin, however, my heart and attention were captured by three small children seated nearby. We smiled and waved and made monster faces at each other and, in the process, I was reminded how amazing the simple joy of a child can be. Suddenly, all my lofty words melted away and seemed utterly unimportant. For what could be more precious or inspirational than the simple laugh of a child. Indeed, right here next to me sat the embodiment of unfettered joy, unspoiled by the prejudice and cynicism which erode the purity of our souls with the passing of time. In a very real way, I was observing the seeds or our future. And it gave me hope.

However old or important you may be, I encourage you to pause along the path of life and interact with children wherever you find them. Treat them with respect. Look into their wondering eyes. Listen to their laughter and songs and let that sweet music penetrate deep into your weary heart. Never let yourself become too busy to care about the most important people in the world, even if they seem to be the smallest ones. For, when seen through their eyes, this tired, dusty, worrisome old world still looks like a magical place filled with unlimited possibilities.

A Child’s Eyes
May I never grow too wise
To see things through a child’s eye
May I always seek the truth
With the innocence of youth
May I learn to love each man
As freely as a child can
May I daily kneel and pray
And with a child’s heart … obey
By Frank Carpenter ©