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Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Christmas in Your Heart

Yes, it’s December first and some you are already thinking seriously about Christmas. Some of you even have your lights up already. I visited the mall last weekend and was overwhelmed by the Christmas music and decorations ... and the crowds. In my opinion, it should be illegal to decorate until at least December. Anyhow, the rush has begun and folks are scurrying about shopping, decorating and the likes. The pace has accelerated and already we’ve completely forgotten what Christmas is really about. The root of the word Christmas is Christ. That is what we celebrate. He is what we celebrate. That day two thousand years ago when the God of the universe sent His only son to atone for the sin which separated us from Him. Christmas is the day we celebrate his birth. A host of colorful characters have been added to the holiday, each serving to overshadow the one true God who should be at the forefront of our minds. Lest I ramble on suffice it to say that December 1st would be a great day to start thanking God for the amazing gift He gave us for Christmas. This would be a good time to remind our children, parents, friends, family, coworkers, and even strangers, what this season is really all about. No matter what you buy, where you go or how you decorate, the true Christmas is something that takes place right in your own heart, something just between you and God. Start celebrating right there, in your heart. Let’s make this Christmas count.

Christmas in Your Heart
You can have your cards all printed and addressed by mid-July
You can finish up your shopping by October if you try
You can get the outside lights strung up before Thanksgiving day
Hang the garland and the mistletoe you ordered back in May
You can buy the tree December first and decorate it too
You want your Christmas to be perfect and you know just what to do
But it really isn't Christmas if you leave out one small part
It really isn't Christmas until it's Christmas in your heart
We get so busy getting ready, perhaps it's just an oversight
We get caught up in the merry day and forget the holy night
But Jesus wasn't born so you could have a Christmas tree
He was born to be our Savior and to die on Calvary
Jesus isn't just a gimmick used for selling manger scenes
He is the Christ, the very Son of God, and that's what Christmas means
He is the one who started Christmas, He is the one it's all about
And it isn't really Christmas if we try to leave Him out
So when you make your preparations, Jesus is the place to start
Because it isn't really Christmas, unless it's Christmas in your heart
By Frank Carpenter ©


Anonymous said...

I've always been annoyed by the early decorations and even earlier sales of Christmas related items- until this year. This year I am sending boxes to the troops, who asked for such things as colored lights and ornaments. Finding those in October and early November would have been impossible, if the retail outlets had done as I have always thought they should and not sold those things till after Thanksgiving.

So this year, I was thrilled with the early decorations as I scoured for simple things I could put in packages.