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Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Words of Fire

Ever lose your temper? I think we’d all have to answer a resounding "yes" to that one. Here’s the thing- anger is often based upon pride and selfishness and, therefore, just as often does more harm than good. Folks are quick at this point ask the standard defensive question, "What about righteous anger?" There certainly is such a thing, along with a biblical basis for it. However, in the bible righteous anger is used sparingly and only wielded by those of the highest moral and spiritual character. The other litmus test for anger is whether someone is already prone to lose their temper. If a person rages pointlessly and selfishly one day, they can hardly switch to justifiable righteous anger the next without being questioned. Justifiable anger also controls itself, meaning that it will never cross over to being just plain mean or rude. Those are the signs of anger run amuck and never the twain should meet. The fact is that when most of us lose our temper it’s nothing more that a loss of emotional control. When that happens we are prone to say far more than we intended, and in a manor most unbecoming. Once any words are spoken they become very difficult to take back and apologizing comes far short of rectifying the damage. Better we should take a deep breath, leave the room, count to ten, write a letter, go for a drive ... anything to keep from deploying the kind of weapons which so often accompany anger. We have to live with our words forever so they should always be chosen carefully and never in haste, especially angry haste. When we begin to get steamed up, a good filter can be found in Ephesians 4:2, "Be completely humble and gentle. Be patient, bearing with one another in love." That’s an outstanding beginning. So when you feel your face begin to flush and your blood pressure rising, try not to go on the offensive ... because you will almost certainly offend. Count to ten, whisper a quiet prayer and try not to breath too much fire. Things almost always turn out better that way.

Words of Fire
Far too often tempers flare, and anger takes its toll
On those we wouldn't choose to hurt if we were in control
For so it is with anger, like a loaded gun in hand
Once shots are fired, rarely does it turn out as we planed
Any word, when spoken hastily, with malice runs astray
Regardless of the best intentions it wreaks havoc on its prey
Slicing deep into the fibers of respect and love and trust
For any sentiment conveyed in rage will be regarded as unjust
Can any words of honor be spoken from an angry tongue?
Will any words of praise be heard if they are harshly sung?
No, wisdom has a quiet voice, always tempered with respect
But anger mocks the truest words and insults the intellect
Anger strangles open minds and smothers confidence
Until victims, numbed by pointless rage, block out common sense
We abuse our friends and family and our children with our words
Hearts and minds grow calloused 'till the best emotions go unheard
But, worst of all, our loved ones learn to guard their honesty
In fear of how we might respond so they never speak freely
Don't let your temper get the best of you or let it come between
The people whom you care about, for anger only makes you mean
By Frank Carpenter ©