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Sunday, June 16, 2024

For the Dads

 I was blessed with a great father, an amazing step father and a father-in-law. It's Father's Day and I penned the following poem as a tribute to all of them as  I sat in church this morning. I thank Gid sir all of my dad's, and this one is for them.

For the Dads

I was blessed with three dads

Who helped me on my way

A father, step dad, a father-in-law

I celebrate them all today

Each of them had a season

Each one had influence

Each helped shape the man I am

And helped my life make sense

I was blessed with earthly fathers

Who blessed and encouraged me

Who showed me how to live and love 

And unravel the mysteries

Each of my fathers offered

The wisdom so dearly bought 

Through struggles and trials lived out

When they suffered, failed and fought

Each of them gave me a blessing

Each showed they believed in me

None left me with guilt or oppression

But left me feeling strong and free

These men are all in heaven now

But they left their impression on me

So I thank God for all of my fathers

And I am their legacy 

By Frank Carpenter


Anonymous said...

What beautiful tribute and reminder of the gift of a good father (or father figure) in our lives. Praise God!