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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Saint James

There are certainly all kinds of people, and I seem to spend time around a lot somewhat boisterous type A personalities. Yet, among all those noisier folks I’m also blessed to know a man of a different sort. He has a quiet and gentle spirit. Being, “quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry” in the words of the apostle James. His name, coincidentally, is also James. He’s definitely the strong, quiet type, who can seem a little imposing to the uninitiated since he is rather tall. But beneath that imposing and ruggedly handsome façade there beats a heart of pure gold. He teaches high school math, coaches a youth mountain biking team, has his own adult sons and is the servant of all. A man of few words, but the first one to show up in your time of need. He’s also a man of humble prayers that often humble me. And he is the only person I know who still occasionally uses the word “knuckleheads.” However, in his case it really is a term of endearment. It means those who could use a little extra help … or a lot. But rather than being the old guy who might generally proffer such and archaic term as knucklehead, he responds and jumps in to help. In his case, after the words “slow to speak and slow to get angry” you might also add “quick to help.” He’s a great encouragement to many people, and certainly to me. So I offer the following poem to my friend Saint James, whom I have dubbed the patron saint of knuckleheads. 

Saint James

It seems there is a patron saint

For most every kind of folk

Who need someone to watch over them

And whose name they can invoke

Soldiers, travelers and sailors

Beekeepers, cobblers too

Whatever hobby or profession

There’s a saint for what they do

And there’s a saint for ne’er do wells

Who at times have lost their way

On bike trails or their math skills

And he walks with them each day

He offers wisdom and encouragement

Kind words, and hope to those

Who seem to fall a bit behind

And he loves them, heaven knows

He dusts them off and nudges them

When they have fallen back

He prays for them wholeheartedly

And guides them to the narrow track

Those who need assistance

Can call on him by name

Most think of him as Mr. May

But he truly is Saint James

He’s the apostle of encouragement

No finer man this earth has tread

Than Saint James, the encourager

The patron saint of knuckleheads

                By Frank Carpenter ©

"Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry."  James 1:19

Sunday, June 16, 2024

For the Dads

 I was blessed with a great father, an amazing step father and a father-in-law. It's Father's Day and I penned the following poem as a tribute to all of them as  I sat in church this morning. I thank Gid sir all of my dad's, and this one is for them.

For the Dads

I was blessed with three dads

Who helped me on my way

A father, step dad, a father-in-law

I celebrate them all today

Each of them had a season

Each one had influence

Each helped shape the man I am

And helped my life make sense

I was blessed with earthly fathers

Who blessed and encouraged me

Who showed me how to live and love 

And unravel the mysteries

Each of my fathers offered

The wisdom so dearly bought 

Through struggles and trials lived out

When they suffered, failed and fought

Each of them gave me a blessing

Each showed they believed in me

None left me with guilt or oppression

But left me feeling strong and free

These men are all in heaven now

But they left their impression on me

So I thank God for all of my fathers

And I am their legacy 

By Frank Carpenter

Monday, June 10, 2024

Proud of You

This one goes out to my granddaughter Aubree May Carpenter for her 14th birthday and her junior high graduation. We are so proud of you every day, and I can't wait to see what God has in store for you in the years to come. 

Lots of Love Always, Pops

Proud of You

Fourteen years old and moving

To high school from junior high

A girl on the brink of womanhood

That no one can deny

With a faith to move the mountains

Plus a smile so warm and bright

You seem to light up every room

And fill others with delight

In this summer of transition

Between seasons, between grades

Between childhood and adulthood

Between dreams and plans you’ve made

We stand by you and celebrate

All you’ve accomplished, all you’ve done

Friends you’ve made and love you’ve shared

How you bring joy to everyone

How you inspire others

With your faith and how you live

With the open-handed way

That you encourage and you give

And from this moment forward

It’s important that you know

Our hopes and prayers go with you

Wherever you may go

Wherever God may lead you

We carry you within our hearts

Through this big wide world of wonder

As we have right from the start

So dream farther than your comfort

Pray bigger than you dare

Reach for the very brightest stars

Always, always love and care

Trust in Jesus to walk with you

Every day, your whole life through

Happy birthday and graduation

Aubree, we’re so proud of you

                        By Frank Carpenter ©