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Friday, August 30, 2019

40th Spiritual Birthday

August 5, 2019
My 40th Spiritual Birthday

Dear Friends,
I’m writing to you because I’d like you to share an important milestone with me. Forty years ago today, on August 5th, 1979, I asked Jesus into my heart and gave my life to Him. It happened without much fanfare. Although it was a Sunday morning, I was lying in bed just thinking when, suddenly, it all made sense. That moment was the culmination of a three year journey of attending high school and college groups at Mariners Church, many conversations with caring and patient friends, reading the bible, God’s strategic placement of spiritual mentors in my life, a lot of people praying for me, and countless nights sitting on the cliffs above Big Corona just staring at the ocean. It was just a simple and probably awkward little prayer, but it altered the course of my life … quite literally forever.
So many of the blessings in my life have come as a result of the spiritual journey that began that day. Obviously, that decision was the pathway to reconciliation with God, forgiveness of my sin, and the promise of an eternity in heaven. As a bonus I also met Nancie through church and we truly believe that the faith we share is at the core of our nearly four decades of happiness and successful marriage. Chris and Cassie also both accepted the Lord through church and their faiths are still going strong today, along with being shared with believing spouses. That legacy of faith and hope is now something I'm praying for in the lives of our grandchildren, Aubree, Kasen, and Olivia. We have made many life-long friends through church and bible studies as well who are still walking this path with us, even decades later, and the community they represent continues to be a comfort, a joy, and a source of strength for us. We're looking forward to growing old (as slowly as possible) with all of those friends.

And while I certainly want to look back and celebrate the life and relationships faith has brought us thus far, I would be remiss not to look forward as well. We have a promise of eternal life, but that's not just something that happens when we die. For those who believe, eternal life has already begun. In short, it's right here and right now, and we need to live accordingly. Especially in our affluent southern California it's easy to become complacent and comfortable. But God wants so much more for us, and from us. In my heart of hearts, I feel like one of the reasons that God put me on this earth is to remind folks of that; to remind us that God has uniquely gifted each of us to serve him, and that He has a plan and a calling for each one of us. I hope that you will be praying about this and listening for His response.

I'm 58 and I've been at this Christian thing for forty years now. And while I do foresee a time of vocational retirement, there doesn't seem to be any biblical mandate for spiritual retirement. So I hope that you’ll continue on this journey with me for many years to come. And I hope and pray that we will all hold one another accountable to keep walking the walk and living the life we are called to. Or as Paul wrote in Ephesians 4, "I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received." Let's all stay in the game and keep making a difference in this world where we were called to be both salt and light. Sometimes it's surprising to remember that God's secret weapon to change the world ... is actually us. So we cannot, we must not, shy away from that calling. 

If you're receiving this it's because I consider you a friend and I want to thank you for sharing your part of this journey with me. It's also my fondest hope that I've had some impact on your life as well. We're all works in progress, but it's so obvious to me how God has used the people in my life to bring blessing and help me become who I am today ... and I know he'll continue to do so. Thank you for being a part of God's work in me, and thank you for sharing my journey in some way so far. It has meant more than you could know. If you’re on this list, you are also on my radar to be challenged and encouraged, and held accountable. And I hope I’m on your radar as well because we’re all in this together. Whether we are seven or seventy-seven, God is not done with us yet. Absolutely not. In fact, he has a “next” agenda item for each of us, and I pray that each of us will be open to what that is. And whether we are around until next week or until we’re a hundred and twelve, I sincerely hope that we will keep living for God every day. That we will keep sharing about Jesus, and striving every day to hold open the door of heaven and invite everyone around us to share in a saving faith and an eternal life with our Lord. Let that be our over-arching purpose because in the end everything else is mere chaff.

I'm looking forward to another forty years of following Jesus and I plan to be "all in" until my last breath. Are you with me? Let me know if you are, and feel free to pass this on as well.

As iron sharpens iron,
     Frank / 949-812-1145 / @frankpoet

PS:  If you have received this and you don't believe in Jesus, or don't call yourself a Christian ... to you I just want to say that God loves you and He sent His son Jesus to bridge the gap between you and reconcile you to Him. God is real and available and He's waiting for you to respond to his invitation. And eternal hope is just one prayer away from you. If you’d like to talk about that subject I am always available.