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Sunday, July 08, 2012


It seems like there are lots of people going through difficult trials right now. Just in my little sphere of influence folks are struggling with cancer, car accidents, sports injuries, heart disease, financial challenges, Lou Gehrig’s disease, congestive heart failure, depression, back and neck issues, marital discord,  troubled children, muscular dystrophy, unemployment, and assorted surgeries, among other things. Now don’t get me wrong, there are also plenty of joyful things to report as well. Yet often that joy seems to be blotted out or eroded during seasons of darkness and trial. I have tried to talk folks through things. I’ve prayed over, with and for them, and I’ve walked beside them through the valley of the shadow. However, even the issues that are curable can take time and they wear people down. Sometimes we just become overwhelmed, which is the nature of life. But what I keep learning over and over again is that we can’t always choose what happens to us in life. However, we absolutely have control over how we respond to those things.

The other thing I’ve learned is that a lot of the big things in life feel like more than we can bear. But the good news is that we don’t have to bear them alone. I’ve been learning to let go, and let God come along side me through those difficult times. You don’t have to face them alone, ever. There is a great comfort in knowing that God is bigger than anything we are going through. Here’s a little poem that grew out of my own life many years ago and that I have shared with literally hundreds of people whose journeys have touched my own. God is always there, and we can always count upon Him. Let go … and let God. And I hope you may find some comfort in these words as well.

Lord, Grant that what I face today
Though it leaves me crushed and bent
Brings You glory nonetheless
May I not be discontent
With the lot which You have dealt me
For I know Your will is right
Lord, grant me peace and comfort
And the strength to fight the fight
          By Frank Carpenter ©