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Friday, March 11, 2005

Taking the Time

Weekend before last we lost someone dear in our lives. She had fought a courageous year-long battle with pancreatic cancer. However, in the case of that particular disease, it’s usually more of a fight for quality time than one offering much hope of a cure. Anyhow, my dear wife had invested lots of time staying at the hospital with her. She has an amazing gift of compassion, the wisdom of Solomon and the patience of a tree when dealing with those who are downtrodden and suffering. Over the years she has taught me that people in need trump all other earthly distractions. Having applied that principle, what I have discovered is that when we take the time to put people first then there are never any misgivings later. I learned that a year ago when my own father died after a protracted illness, and it proved true in this most recent relationship and loss as well. Real love is spelled T-I-M-E. When we give it freely loss becomes more bearable because we know we’ve done all we can. So without belaboring the point, I encourage all of us to take that extra time and invest it as needed in those hurting folks God places in our lives. And I daresay that when our own times of trouble come, that investment may well be repaid many-fold. Take the time … and you shall never regret it.

Taking the Time
Yesterday morning, I said goodbye
Though I didn’t know it just then
But this afternoon, that person died
And I’ll never see her again
Which only serves to remind me
How short our time can be
So we need to live and love those near
As if there was no guarantee
If we put off those visits
Like the one I made yesterday
We never know when opportunities
Might slip completely away
If there someone you need to visit?
Is there something you need to say?
Do you need to ask for forgiveness?
Or offer it? Do so today
For life is short, far shorter
Than ever we hope or plan
So we must give the love and time
We have whenever we can
Yesterday morning, I said goodbye
And tonight, though sad I’ll be
I know I took the time to care
So I shall rest easily
By Frank Carpenter ©