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Sunday, February 13, 2005

Upon A Star

Well, this is something of a romantic weekend for our family. Of course, tomorrow is Valentines Day. That’s a big one for lot’s of people. However, yesterday also marked the 281st month that my dear wife and I have been married. (monthaversery) Yes, we celebrate that. To top it all off, our eldest child popped the questions yesterday and we flew in to attend and engagement party with both families and all their friends. In fact, at this very moment, I’m still in Montana where those blessed events occurred. So, as you can see, this is an especially romantic weekend for our whole gang. My take on life is that every day should be romantic. When special occasions, like Valentines Day, roll around why not celebrate? I’ve discovered that a little extra effort in this area of our lives can pay lasting dividends through the years. Think you’re too old, too young, too mature? Whatever your “too” is, get over it and take a good, long creative look at how to make the other person in your life feel special. Going all out for Valentines Day would be a wonderful thing, but remember that there are another 364 days left in the year to express your affection as well. My take is that if you love someone, show them. If you love them a lot, show them a lot. If you love them all the time, prove it all the time. Even if you’re generally happy, apply the cake principle: cake is nice, but it’s even better with frosting and ice cream. If there’s someone in your life who deserves frosting, sock it to ‘em. Also, please don’t come up with some lame excuse about how it’s too late to do anything about Valentines Day. Hand made cards and dime store gifts are way better than nothing at all. The point is to do something, anything, and always remember that an outstanding presentation can make up for a great deal of haste and frugality. Is your mind a complete blank right now? Then just use the poem I provided below. Just be sure to rewrite it in your own handwriting on a piece of colored paper. If you are reading this and Valentines Day has already passed, just declare your own private Valentines Day, or week for that matter. The point is that real love is worth way more than words so say it with something extra. Do you want to have a life time of happiness? I assure you that you will reap what you sow in the area of romance so put on than thinking cap and get to work. You’ll be glad you did.

Upon a Star
I’ve heard it said the first star
Appearing in the evening sky
Is the one that you can wish upon
And tonight it caught my eye
I pondered what to wish for
When my pondering was through
I found my wish was still the same
Once again, I wished for you
I wished upon that very star
So many years ago
And got just what I wanted
Now what happiness I know
How fortunate I count myself
Not that just one wish came true
But a whole long lifetime of them
And I still wish for you
By Frank Carpenter ©