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Saturday, February 21, 2004

Where a Man's Treasure Is

We all have priorities. However, when I pause to embark upon a more forensic look at myself, I often discover that my life falls far short of my lofty words. We are quick to spout about who we are, what we care about, and what we believe. Yet, our daily lives betray the people we really are. Perhaps the most profound test of a person's character is how closely his or her actions conform to their professed ideals. Jesus said, "for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." (Matthew 6:21) That is the ultimate litmus test of priorities. Our time, talents and treasure will always point to our true identities. Are you who you say you are? A quick glance through a check book or credit card statement can tell all. Let us live, therefore, lives that matter and count for what we believe.

Where a Man's Treasure Is

Where a man's treasure is, there is his heart
This you will always find true
Wherever his checks and his credit cards point
There you will find his heart too
Each man will spend what he has every month
On what he believes he can afford
On trinkets or toys, on savings or food
On his home or his family or Lord
Also, his talents and his time
Shall, certainly, ever reveal
Much more than his words, his life will speak
In a voice which he cannot conceal
What does he cherish? Whom does he love?
What is it he truly believes?
His time and his talents and treasures won't lie
It is only himself he deceives
Consider his weekends, his wallet, his watch
Where does he invest what he has to spare
Wherever his talents and treasure and time
Are found, you will find his heart there
By Frank Carpenter ©


Unknown said...

The saying is true ...actions speak louder than any words!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing and the gift of your words