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Thursday, October 14, 2004


Our lives continue to be so busy. We rush from here to there, with hardly a moment for ourselves. Oh, we can keep it up for a while. In fact, many of us thrive on the activity. We gulp down a double-whatever caffeine product and away we go, turning our lives into some kind of productivity triathalon. Most folks, however, can’t really keep that pace up and certain things also seem to suffer along the way. Work gets in the way of our personal lives. Our personal lives get in the way of work. Precious time with kids, spouses and other loved ones begins to erode. Moments of spiritual reflection get tossed out the door. In time, the whole thing can fall apart like a car with no water in the radiator. One thing which seems to help, however, is learning how to schedule breaks in the action which allow us to recharge. They don’t even have to be long breaks. Something as simple as forcing ourselves to stop for lunch can make a big difference, especially if we can work in some meaningful thought time instead of just pounding down a burger on the run. Try just doodling on a napkin, writing a list of dreams or wishes, jotting down a few blessings in our lives, simply thinking about special people, or just pray a little. Maybe it’s not lunch, but some other time of the day or evening. As we scurry around, opportunities often present themselves to take a walk in a park or around the block. Many churches leave their doors unlocked all day, providing a quiet place to reflect. The world is full of little nooks and crannies which offer some modicum of sanctuary for a busy heart and a weary soul. If we can seek out such places in the course of our days, even for a few moments, the peace we discover there may be enough to carry us through. Our lives simply need a little margin. So make an effort to somehow jump off the treadmill for a break, however briefly, and let your heart and mind wander off task just a bit. You may be surprised at the difference if makes.

Amidst the busy thoroughfares
Where the crowds of traffic rush
Quiet corners may still be found
Where the world seems to hush
Where the pressures and the problems
For a time, are kept at bay
And a weary soul finds refuge
From the troubles of the day
There are gardens, parks and churches
Benches, pews and shady trees
Solemn nooks of sanctuary
Which can put a heart at ease
Where the busy, the downtrodden
May pass an hour or two
Away from life’s distractions
To refresh, relax, renew
In those quiet moments
When we pause to think and pray
A soul finds sanctuary
From the storms of life each day
By Frank Carpenter ©