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Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Conservative Cows

Howdy readers. Time runs short for much commentary today. I would, however, like to share this true account about a livestock auction I attended in Northern California in August. Yes, I was there and yes it actually happened. You will clearly find today’s poem to be partisan. While my personal bent is obviously and consistently conservative, I offer this report in the spirit of the event and its participants. Back tomorrow with something less political. Happy Trails.

Conservative Cows
I attended the 4-H livestock auction
at the Plumas County Fair
In the heart of rural California
just regular people there
It opened with the national anthem
sung by a pair of local youth
Whose voices, more than superstars
rang out clearly with the truth
This is just the kind of event
that happens constantly
All across our great big nation
which the media never see
Now, I’m not from that area
merely a visitor, you see
So I had no indication of
how locals stood, politically
But as the 4-H kids paraded
their home-raised hogs and steers
Through the pen to be bid upon
up front, by the auctioneer
Several animals had American flags
draped on them for all to see
Which I thought was patriotic
but the best was yet to be
For a number of the steers that came
through pens and down the chute
Had Bush/Cheney signs around their necks
and bumper stickers to boot
The crowd seemed to like the gesture
and there being no dissension
The candidates of the other party
shall herein go without mention
So up in Quincy that seems to be
how real rural Americans feel
Where the current, proven President
clearly garners greater appeal
Well that’s the report, fellow citizens
from Plumas County for now
Don’t forget to put a bumper sticker
on your car or truck ... or cow
By Frank Carpenter ©