Last weekend, as we were getting a jump on some Christmas and Thanksgiving shopping, we visited both Wal-Mart and Costco. During those two stops I was taken aback by the fecundity of the products available to choose from. Just walking down the canned and packaged food isles filled me with wonder. No, I didn’t just fall off of the turnip truck. It’s just that we rarely stop and consider how fortunate we in terms the variety and quantity of everything around us in our relatively prosperous corner of this free society. When I thought of the millions of people who don’t have enough to eat each day, compared to how much we have, it certainly put things in perspective. I live in an area, and with a mindset, that sometimes leads me to think that I’m somewhat poor. However, this is light years from the truth. The fact that I have a solid roof over my head and food enough for tonight actually puts me in the upper echelon of global prosperity. Having a good job, a house, cars, vacations, education, credit, and investments makes me quite prosperous, if not downright rich in the big picture. Yet, because someone always has more, it sometimes feels as if I have less. This is such a subjective fallacy. When we compare, we almost always compare up rather than down. And when I add in that I’m happily married, have great kids, good health, supportive families, countless friends, a saving faith, and an elaborate support system it becomes apparent that I am totally and undeniably blessed beyond what anyone should expect or deserve. You see, it really boils down to having a proper perspective.
During this week of Thanksgiving, I’m reminded once again of how truly fortunate I am. Especially with the Christmas season upon us it would be easy to dwell on the fact that I don’t have everything that I want, or that I can’t buy everything that I would like to buy for my loved ones. However, based upon the above, it becomes crystal clear that I have everything I need. Indeed, it would be difficult to argue that I lack for anything that really matters. I love and appreciate what I do have in my life. That is thankfulness, and it’s about wanting what you have rather than pining for what you don’t have.
As you prepare for your own Thanksgiving celebration, I encourage you to take an inventory of your own blessings as I have above. You might discover that you have even more to be thankful for than you ever imagined. Let’s be sure to share this with our friends and loved ones, and make sure that they know how thankful we are for them as well. And let’s be sure to thank God for our countless blessings. A thankful heart is the foundation of happiness, and that is my wish for you this week! Travel safe, appreciate everything in your life, and communicate it to others.
A Gratitude
Thank you, Lord, for the blessings
You shower upon me each day
For the beauty of the creation
That you scatter along my way
Thank You, oh God, for the miracles
Which pour forth ever from You
May my eyes ever be open
To the miraculous things you do
Thank You for your compassion
For the depths of your loving heart
For working daily in people’s lives
And allowing me to play a part
Thank You, Lord, for everything
You have been so good to me
May mine be a life of gratitude
Which echoes praises back to Thee
By Frank Carpenter ©