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Thursday, December 15, 2005

Christmas Stories

The Christmas season has many traditions and one popular one over the centuries has been the fabrication of various stories and folk tales associated with our holiday. We’ve added Santa, reindeer, elves, fairies, grinches, drummer boys, snowmen and all manner of odd pets and characters. Of course, Christmas is actually about the birth of Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God and the Savior for all mankind. However, as if by some dark design, we’ve crowded our tradition with a host of colorful and charismatic substitutes who all clamor for our attention. No wonder that so many people, even those of religious persuasion, often make it through the whole month with hardly a thought of Jesus or the true meaning of our ancient holiday. This is just my little reminder that when we get to telling and enjoying Christmas stories let’s not forget the one which matters most … for it is the only Christmas story that is true. Have a blessed season and tell the story.

Christmas Stories
There are so many Christmas stories
Oh how we love to hear
The way the children's snowman came to life
We applaud those flying reindeer
And the way they pull the sleigh
We love jolly old Saint Nick and his dear wife
Who could ever overlook
Those darling little elves
And all the magic things that they can do
We watch aghast with horror
As that mean old Mr. Grinch
Tries to steal Christmas morning from the whos
Adults and children just alike
All gather 'round the tube
To watch what they've seen many times before
The characters of Christmas
Come in every shape and size
So easy to believe in and adore
But there's another Christmas story
That our children need to hear
You've heard it and you probably know it well
The plot is not as colorful
Nor are the characters
Yet, it's the one we really need to tell
Remember how in Sunday school
You learned about the Christ
Who came to cleanse the world of its sin
They told you all you had to do
Was open up your heart
And Jesus would forgive you and come in
On Christmas day we celebrate
The birth of Jesus Christ
Who came to earth to save both me and you
He's the only Christmas story
That you really need to know
And the only Christmas story that is true
By Frank Carpenter ©