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Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Plan A

Do you ever get the feeling that life has something better to offer you than you are experiencing? Or do you find yourself thinking that God has a great plan for your life, but you’re just not quite ready to take it on yet? Often, and for a variety of reasons, we catch ourselves settling for a life that isn’t quite what we would wish for. Now, don’t get the impression that I’m talking about money here. Money is fine, but it doesn’t necessarily correspond to happiness or success. Either way, it’s only human nature to take the path of least resistance and let ourselves slip into a “less than” life because it was easier or more convenient. We might even feel this way while making lots of money, but in our hearts we know that life should be better, it should mean more. Somehow, we know that we are living Plan B. We know there’s a Plan A out there somewhere with our name on it, but we have the feeling that we’ve missed it. In fact, many of us may even know exactly what Plan A is. We just haven’t rustled up the courage to take that next step towards it. We fear failure. We cling to the familiar. Maybe we just don’t trust God enough. Whatever the reason, it’s out there and we’re not … and we know it. Friends, life is simply too short to settle for Plan B. It might seem a little scary. It might even take some extra faith, but it’s worth it. So say a little prayer, take a deep breath take that first step. There’s definitely a Plan A with your name on it.

Footnote: Just wanted to take a moment and tell you about some of my personal heros. My wife, along with ten other brave folks from our church, just arrived in Sri Lanka today with the mission of helping Tsunami victims. That’s two entire days of traveling, five vaccinations, two weeks of malaria pills and a gigantic plunge into the unknown. They are there to love and care for people who lost everything in a moment on December 26th. It’s easy to just write a check, and lots of us have. However, these eleven selfless people have taken the next step. They canceled their personal lives, rolled up their sleeves, and now they’re on the other side of the world serving both the needy and their God. It takes a lot of faith and love to make that kind of commitment. That is a Plan A commitment, taking the extra step … a ten thousand mile step into the unknown. Those are my heros. I’m a little worried, a little jealous, and extremely proud!

Plan A
So many times, we just settle
When we know there is something more
Lacking the simple faith that God
Could have something better in store
At times we seem to get a glimpse
But fail to clearly see
So we shy away in disbelief
And settle for Plan B
We let our fear of failure
Dictate the path we choose
Giving up what could be gained
While unaware of what we lose
Don’t settle, friend, for Plan B
As so many of us have done
God has something better in store
If you trust in His word and Son
Life can be so much better
Take that leap of faith today
Then step out and live courageously
It’s time to begin Plan A
By Frank Carpenter ©