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Thursday, August 19, 2004

The Crowd

My apologies to devoted readers for the scarcity of postings so far this week . I’m traveling and it’s been difficult to get onto a computer, let alone find some way to connect to the internet. As I’ve been out and about of late I have been amazed, as always, at all the people in the world. I get to wondering who they all are, where they live and what they all do for work. When we’re out and about, it can become so easy to just ignore the throng of humanity which surrounds us. Countless fellow humans stream past us each day and we have a tendency to desensitize ourselves to the of each individual lives which make up the mass of beings racing though our visual field and sphere of influence each day. Yet, they are individuals, each with a life, a family, a soul, certain needs and a unique story to tell. We received a "perspective update" yesterday morning when someone else stepped out of that crowd and showed some special kindness to my dear wife at a critical moment. It was merely some helpful, timesaving advice, but the woman indicated that she had seen us at breakfast that morning and remembered us. That caused her to seek us out and help us later on. We had no memory of her, she had been just another nameless face in the crowd. Yet, she had seen us and remembered us individually ... then taken the trouble to help us later. How many strangers in that same crowd may have benefitted from my noticing them and offering a helping hand? I was reminded, once again, that when Jesus commanded us to "love your neighbor" the meaning was intended to reach far beyond the familiar people who live on my street. No, our neighbors include anyone who comes within reach, stranger or otherwise. Yesterday, someone stepped out of the crowd and, by their unsolicited friendship, showed us what it was to love their neighbor. That’s all it took. Suddenly, the blur of people surrounding us focused and I saw, for the first time in a while, the faces of all the thousands of neighbors God sent my way to love. It’s a nice feeling, and I can’t wait to return the favor.

The Crowd
Lord, may I learn to love the crowd
And not merely wander though it
To show some kindness to a stranger
Who would never guess I'd do it
To have compassion on the folks I meet
Whoever they may be
Regardless of what benefit
That act might have for me
Lord, give me love for people
Of every shape and size and creed
May I be a friend, not just to friends
But all who are in need
Break down the walls of selfishness
And fear that I have made
And build anew upon the cornerstone
Of love which You have laid
So that when I step out on the street
I step out none too proud
But, rather, with an open heart
Prepared to love the crowd
By Frank Carpenter ©